VirtuSense Insights

8 Client Accomplishments in 2022 with VirtuSense 

Written by Madison Schwindenhammer | Dec 12, 2022 3:00:00 PM

A partnership with VirtuSense means more than just innovative fall prevention. This year, many of our clients have been recognized in the industry for their innovative approach to care by Mcknights Long Term Care News, created fall prevention case studies to use as marketing resources, and been given a thought leadership stage across multiple mediums. We want to celebrate them as outstanding partners as we wrap up 2022. 


Larksfield Place: The First To Showcase the VirtuSense Ecosystem 

In January of 2022, we worked with the team at Larkfield Place to gather data on the impact of implementing not just one VirtuSense product, but our post-acute ecosystem: VSTAlert and VSTBalance. The results were substantial. Larkfield Place reduced falls with injury by 80% in its short-term rehab unit in the first six months of implementation with VSTAlert monitoring 8 out of 38 beds. With VSTBalance, they saw a fall reduction of 70% in their building and helped staff to recognize the need for prevention. Thank you Larksfield Place for your dedication to fall prevention! 

Read the Case Study 


Select Rehabilitation Video: Therapy with VSTBalance 

In June, the VirtuSense Marketing team traveled to Chicago to visit Select Rehabilitation’s headquarters. The team interviewed President Mike Capstick, as well as several therapists at nearby communities who regularly use VSTBalance. So far, Select’s partner sites have seen a 60% reduction in falls using VSTBalance.  

Watch the Video 



An Innovative Approach to Therapy Attendance at Friendship Village Sunset Hills 

Friendship Village Sunset Hills was determined to increase therapy attendance this year, and with VSTBalance, they did just that. Strong residents help maintain occupancy when individuals are moving between levels of care less often. VSTBalance takes a preventative approach to care by assessing fall-risk early. Therapy class attendance rose by 65%.  

Read the Case Study 


The NEXT Summit  

The 2022 Inaugural NEXT Summit on August 5, 2022 gave our clients and other thought leaders across the healthcare spectrum an opportunity to showcase their expertise and predictions of where healthcare is headed in the future. See the full list of speakers from last year’s Summit here. To request an invitation to the 2023 Summit, please fill out the form here.  


Efficacy of Post-fall Analysis with VSTAlert at Life Enriching Communities 

Life Enriching Communities (LEC) partnered with our team to create a case study showcasing VSTAlert’s fall analysis capabilities. Staff at LEC were able to analyze data from VSTAlert to study one frequent faller in their community. From there, they created a personalized intervention plan which proved to be successful in preventing future falls.  

Read the full case study here. 


Thought Leadership with Kari Brizendine, Select Rehab 

This fall, Kari Brizendine of Select Rehab spoke with our team about the future of AI in therapy. She addressed concerns she hears expressed in her field, and reassures therapists of the bright and exciting future AI will bring about in healthcare in the years ahead, using VSTBalance as her example. 

Brizendine says, “VSTBalance will never replace therapist positions. [The system] is an adjunct to what they are taught to do...[results from VSTBalance are] a piece of the entire picture when you’re looking at an evaluation or assessment.” 

Read the full article here. 


Friendship Village Wins Gold with VSTBalance – Mcknights Tech Awards 

This year, Friendship Village won the Gold Award in the Quality category of the Mcknights Tech Awards. VSTBalance improved their quality of care overall in 2022, with 90% of those who have undergone a VSTBalance assessment reporting an increase in activity level and happiness, according to Friendship Village. 

Read more about the award here.  


John Knox Village Wins Gold with VSTBalance – Mcknights Tech Awards 

John Knox Village won the Gold Award in the Innovator of the Year category of the Mcknights Tech Awards for the second time (the first time in 2020). Since October 2021, the fitness center at John Knox Village has completed 321 assessments using VSTBalance. 

Read more about the award here.  


We’re grateful for each of our clients’ willingness to pursue innovation with technology in their communities, which will drive the future of healthcare.  


To learn more about a partnership with VirtuSense, please reach out to our team here.