Emily Potts
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Disrupting the Economics of Healthcare on HealthcareIT Today
There is little controversy that the cost of healthcare remains on an unsustainable trajectory. Presently there are two alternatives to this fee for service (FFS) driven economic..
5 Crisis Management Strategies
COVID-19 threw the healthcare system into a tizzy last year, especially the senior living sector. Leading Age developed a Pandemic Playbook to help providers get a handle on it,..
Advocating AI in Healthcare
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a part of our lives, in one form or another in recent years, whether we like it or not. Smartphones, smart TVs, smart speakers, Ring..
Helping Nurses Do Their Jobs
Nurses are a hot commodity right now, but retaining skilled nurses, even before the COVID-19 pandemic, has been challenging and replacing them is costly. According to the 2019..
A New Healthcare Delivery Model With AI & RPM
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed significant weaknesses in our healthcare system today. Increased patient volumes stressing staffing capacity, increased caregiver exposure, and..
Straight Talk on Virtual Care with Tom Hale
Tom Hale, CMO at VirtuSense, was featured on Creating a New Healthcare, hosted by Zeev Neuwirth, MD, where he spoke about the future of virtual care. The episode, titled “Straight..
Reinventing Senior Living in 2021
National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care’s NIC MAP Data Service reports record low occupancy rates at independent living (IL) and assisted living (AL) communities in..
Healthcare Economics: Value vs. Volume
The case for value-based care (VBC) has been evident for decades, but why has it taken so long for healthcare providers to embrace it? “It’s a mindset. ‘This is what we’ve always..
2020 Perspective: Lessons Learned, Part One
Most of us firmly slammed the door shut on 2020 and eagerly welcomed 2021, hoping to never again endure the challenges and heartache that resulted from COVID-19. However, at..
2020 Perspective: Lessons Learned, Part Two
As we enter 2021, our healthcare workforce is burnt out and badly in need of relief. With workforce shortages, new technologies armed with artificial intelligence may be the..
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