Madison Schwindenhammer

8 Client Accomplishments in 2022 with VirtuSense
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8 Client Accomplishments in 2022 with VirtuSense
A partnership with VirtuSense means more than just innovative fall prevention. This year, many of our clients have been recognized in the industry for their innovative approach to..
Early Decision-Making in Therapy with VSTBalance
Physical therapy decisions are driven by data points. Each new data point brings a therapist closer to their patient's diagnosis, but the question is—how many data points does a..
Cover Unstaffed Hours with AI During the Nursing Shortage
The undeniable–and damaging–nursing shortage across the healthcare industry is leaving providers wondering one blaring question: “Is there an end in sight?”
Client Spotlight: Carolina Meadows Uses VSTBalance to Reduce Fall-risk
Carolina Meadows is a non-profit CCRC located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Listen to the podcast below as Michelle Marino, Wellness Coordinator, speaks on many of the engaging..
Falls and Your Five Star Rating
A fall affects not only the resident who experiences it, but your staff who helps them recover from it, their family members who hear about it, and your quality metrics that..
Making Healthcare with eViRa Health
Evan Kirstel and Irma Rastegayeva are founders of eViRa Health, a B2B digital marketing consultancy with an exclusive focus on social media in Health and Life Sciences. They..
Making Healthcare with Danielle Siarri
Danielle Siarri (AKA InnoNurse) is currently the lead publisher of InnoNurse, a forward-thinking health IT curation website reporting on news related to mHealth, eHealth, and..
The Virtual Nursing Revolution
Healthcare is modernizing with more connective technology than ever. Seamless telehealth integration in every hospital room gives doctors more time with patients, makes specialist..
Making Healthcare Open (ft. Christina Farr)
Christina Farr is a San Francisco-based health-tech investor with a background in journalism. She's a principal at OMERS Ventures based in the Bay Area. Previously she was a..
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