VirtuSense Insights: Articles (4)
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5 Tips for Preventing Falls This Fall
The problem of falls never really goes away. Your residents’ health is constantly changing, and it’s your job as their caregiver to make sure they stay safe at every stage of..
4 Mindfulness Tips for Frontline Healthcare Workers
Think about your average work day during COVID-19. Chances are, it looks nothing like it did several months ago before the pandemic began. Today, if you’re a healthcare provider,..
Stay Active Virtually
Raise your hand if you were sticking to a fitness routine that really worked for you, but now it’s been disrupted by the onset of COVID-19. With the closure of gyms and exercise..
Live Video vs. Telehealth — What’s the Difference?
When you hear “Telehealth” it invokes an image of a doctor and patient talking back and forth on a video chat; something like Facetime or Zoom as if Live Video was the only thing..
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