VirtuSense Insights: Fall Prevention in Hospitals

Surveying Fall Prevention Innovation: Fall Prevention Week 2022
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Surveying Fall Prevention Innovation: Fall Prevention Week 2022
This National Fall Prevention Awareness Week, we wanted to hear from the acute healthcare community on fall prevention trends. After the results were tallied, it’s clear to say..
On the Offensive
Trying to Prevent Patient Falls, Tennessee Hospital Association Partners with AI Company
Is AI Fall Prevention Taking Over Virtual Sitting?
As technology has become more and more entrenched in the medical world, virtual sitters have become a go-to solution for hospitals trying to reduce falls without the cost of..
Fall Technology: Preventing Falls with Tech in Acute Care
Understanding the needs of your at-risk community and having the right fall prevention technology in place is vital to keeping people safe, no matter what level of care they need.
Start 2022 with AI in your Healthcare Tools
It’s officially 2022! While we start a new year with new goals, it’s the perfect time to launch upgraded technology systems for your healthcare community. Artificial intelligence..
How Does VirtuSense Technology Elevate Acute Care?
When it comes to hospital settings, primary diagnosis is never the only risk a patient is facing. Trauma, time, and treatment impact a patient’s recovery and increase their..
AI Can Boost Your Hospital Patient Score
Customer surveys are the best way to gain meaningful insights into your company's products and services. People who take the time to fill out surveys usually have very strong..
VSTOne is AI that Assists
VirtuSense Technologies (VST) accelerates predictive insights allowing physicians, caregivers, and families to be proactive and patient-centric through an ecosystem of artificial..
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